SHIATSU MEANS finger pressure and is a specific form of manual, holistic therapy. Its origins lie in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine.
SHIATSU IS a form of attention that is extremely good for our organism.
BY EXERTING GENTLE, SUSTAINED PRESSURE on meridians and acupuncture points and by stretches and rotations, blockages in the body are detected and released. This increases the energy level and regenerates the vegetative nervous system, resulting in a reduction of stress for the entire body and the activation of self-healing properties.
SHIATSU IS HELPFUL in case of physical tension, exhaustion & sleep problems, migraine and backaches and supports healing after accidents and illnesses of the locomotive apparatus.
SHIATSU TRAINS our self-awareness and supports processes of change.
SHIATSU IS SUITABLE for people of every age and will help you get and stay healthy and fit.
SHIATSU Praxis Wien
Dipl. Shiatsu-Praktikerin
Margaretenstraße 70
A-1050 Vienna
0699 / 15 18 31 18
I look forward to hearing from you and will respond to any messages within one business day.
How to get there
- U4 Kettenbrückengasse and Pilgramgasse
- 13A Ziegelofengasse
- 59A Margaretenstraße/Schönbrunnerstraße
- Bicycle Parking available
- First session 90 €
- Single session 85 €
- Block of 5 sessions 400 €
- Length of treatment 60 minutes (consultation included), first session 70 minutes
Many private complementary insurance policies offer reimbursement of costs for Shiatsu treatments. Please enquire with your insurer.
Please bring comfortable, long-sleeved clothing (preferably cotton) and clean socks.
Cancellation policy: no charge up to 24 hours before the appointment